About me

Hey you!

My name is Sabrina, I was born in and raised around Berlin and am now living with my family in a small community near Lüneburg in Northern Germany.

Ever since I can remember, my heart has been beating for animals, nature and artistic subjects like painting, music and photography. Because of these varied interests, my life's path initially lied in the fog ahead of me, but one thing was clear, my love for nature had to be expressed somehow - so I studied biology!

I do not regret it and love my work as a biologist very much, but nowadays everything revolves around numbers and statistics (not only in biology) and less around the fascinating interaction of the many different living things. I think, this often very rational approach fired my creative side again, to give those (fellow) feelings more space... the idea for Bioartsense was born.

After some early experimentations with oils and acrylics, I became passionate about watercolour painting, which is my way of capturing the beauty of our nature and wildlife. I just love it when water and colour flow into each other, often creating these unpredictable results. It is an art that celebrates imperfection and can be used to portray a wide variety of subjects in a very special and enchanting way.

I would be incredibly happy if my watercolours touches your heart and I could support the nature and animal conservation projects listed on my homepage with them - which then would close the circle to the "sense" of Bioartsense.

But enough of words... have fun on my site!

On my Instagram account I share new watercolour paintings & products with you, give insights into things that keep me busy & inspired and offer you the opportunity to get to know me a little better. Feel free to drop by!

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